Pt 2 – Ok babies are boring

Emilia aged up. There wasn’t much going on with her as a baby. But here she is as a toddler. The dark clothes and hair make her look a bit boyish, but she sure does look cute. So far she looks pretty ‘normal.’ She also (using the random trait generator) got the Independent trait.

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Here’s a closer look at Jayce, He looks pretty tired, but then so would you with a new baby. And juggling all those women.

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Why do they always put glasses on Sims when they’re going to bed? I changed up Emilia’s hair and clothes. But didn’t touch anything else.


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How cute does she look sharing the sofa with Arun!!!!!


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Side note: Whilst this was all going on I got a notification that Clara Bjergsen had given birth to a little boy, and they’ve called him Baby! Baby Bjergsen! How original. I wonder how they came up with that one. I mean, I’m sure it’ll work now, but as an adult? I’m really curious as to how he might look, could be a possible future suitor for little Emilia 😀

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